Meet Jimmy’s Sook, an authentic “dead rise” crabbing boat built exclusively as a workboat on the Chesapeake Bay. It’s name is derived from the contour from the hull to the chine where the bottom connects with the sideboards. This design feature makes it the perfect vessel to handle the unique waters of the Bay. It is the official boat of the Commonwealth of Virginia…and Jimmy and Sook!
Made of wood and usually diesel powered, these boats have become a trademark of the Bay. Talented boat builders proudly carve/sculpture dead rises often without plans or measurements…they depend on their experienced “eye” to shape their masterpieces.
CLICK HERE…Watch a dead rise being built
Jimmy’s Sook cruises Carters Creek between Irvington and Weems touring with customers of the Shop and the visitors to the Jimmy and Sook Crab Shack where is it docked. It participates in local boat parades and hopes to make the voyage to the Boat Show in Annapolis as part of the Jimmy and Sook booth.
The company’s boat makes an appropriate venue for photo shoots for modeling new clothing styles. The “Northern Neck Navy” tee shirt is a top seller displaying Jimmy’s Sook.